We will be creating a dynamic distribution group via the Exchange Admin Center for this “All Users” group so it will stay updated automatically as users are added and removed going forward.
1. Open the Exchange Admin Center. Make sure you are logged into Office365 as an Administrative user.
2. Navigate to Recipients > Groups
3. Click the Add button and select Dynamic Distribution group from the drop down menu. Enter the Display Name and Alias and optional Description.
NOTE:The new version of Office365 might say NEXT instead of SAVE for the screens.
4. Select “Only the following recipient types” radio button, then check “Users with Exchange mailboxes” to add only internal users. You can select external if you want to include contacts as well.
5. Click NEXT and it should give you the option to set the email address. The old system used the Display Name as the email address. Now they can be different.
We hope that helps.
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